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Version: 1.0

A refund is a record of the money returned to the customer, and/or the return of any items on an order which may or may not have been restocked.

Authenticated access scopes: com.read_orders , com.write_orders

What you can do with Refund

The Haravan API lets you do the following with the Refund resource.


created_at: string

"created_at": "2021-05-13T07:29:20.1Z"

The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the refund was created.

id: number


The unique numeric identifier for the refund. This one is used for API purposes.

note: string

"note":"Item was damaged during shipping"

The optional note attached to a refund.

refund_line_items: array

"refund_line_items": [


"id": 1013304806,

"line_item": {

"fulfillment_service": null,

"fulfillment_status": null,

"grams": 0.0000,

"price": 15000000.0000,

"product_id": 1035729103,

"quantity": 3,

"requires_shipping": true,

"sku": "S0710A-2",

"title": "SP0710A",

"variant_id": 1078450814,

"variant_title": null,

"vendor": "14S",

"name": "SP0710A",

"id": 0,

"barcode": null,

"properties": null


"line_item_id": 1308268732,

"quantity": 2



Details about one returned/refunded item. It has the following properties:

  • id: The unique identifier of the refund line item.
  • line_item: The single line item being returned. References to object properties in Order API.
  • line_item_id: The id of the related line item.
  • quantity: The quantity of the associated line item that was returned.

user_id: number


The unique identifier of the user who performed the refund.

location_id: number


The unique identifier of product return location.

transactions: array

"transactions": [


"amount": -1500000.0000,

"authorization": null,

"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:43:05.115Z",

"device_id": null,

"gateway": "Thanh toán khi giao hàng (COD)",

"id": 1094983274,

"kind": "refund",

"order_id": 1231656323,

"receipt": null,

"status": "Thành công",

"test": false,

"user_id": 200000497867,

"location_id": 963414,

"payment_details": null,

"parent_id": null,

"currency": "VND",

"haravan_transaction_id": null,

"external_transaction_id": null,

"send_email": false,

"is_cod_gateway": false



The list of transactions involved in the refund. References to object properties in Transaction API.

Retrieves a list refund of order


Retrieves a list all refund of order. You can filter resources by params.


fields comma-separated list of fields to include in the response.

Retrieve all refund order.

  • GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"refunds": [
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:36:32.377Z",
"id": 1011637849,
"note": "wrong size",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013304743,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 0.0000,
"price": 15000000.0000,
"product_id": 1035729103,
"quantity": 3,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "S0710A-2",
"title": "SP0710A",
"variant_id": 1078450814,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "14S",
"name": "SP0710A",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1308268732,
"quantity": 1
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": []
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:38:26.889Z",
"id": 1011637904,
"note": "wrong size",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013304806,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 0.0000,
"price": 15000000.0000,
"product_id": 1035729103,
"quantity": 3,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "S0710A-2",
"title": "SP0710A",
"variant_id": 1078450814,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "14S",
"name": "SP0710A",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1308268732,
"quantity": 2
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": []
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:43:05.12Z",
"id": 1011638030,
"note": "hoàn tiền",
"refund_line_items": [],
"restock": null,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": [
"amount": -1500000.0000,
"authorization": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:43:05.115Z",
"device_id": null,
"gateway": "Thanh toán khi giao hàng (COD)",
"id": 1094983274,
"kind": "refund",
"order_id": 1231656323,
"receipt": null,
"status": "Thành công",
"test": false,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"location_id": 963414,
"payment_details": null,
"parent_id": null,
"currency": "VND",
"haravan_transaction_id": null,
"external_transaction_id": null,
"send_email": false,
"is_cod_gateway": false

List all refund of order, showing only some attributesr.

  • GET,refund_line_items
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"refunds": [
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:36:32.377Z",
"id": 1011637849,
"note": "wrong size",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013304743,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 0.0000,
"price": 15000000.0000,
"product_id": 1035729103,
"quantity": 3,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "S0710A-2",
"title": "SP0710A",
"variant_id": 1078450814,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "14S",
"name": "SP0710A",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1308268732,
"quantity": 1
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": []
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:38:26.889Z",
"id": 1011637904,
"note": "wrong size",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013304806,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 0.0000,
"price": 15000000.0000,
"product_id": 1035729103,
"quantity": 3,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "S0710A-2",
"title": "SP0710A",
"variant_id": 1078450814,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "14S",
"name": "SP0710A",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1308268732,
"quantity": 2
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": []
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:43:05.12Z",
"id": 1011638030,
"note": "hoàn tiền",
"refund_line_items": [],
"restock": null,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": [
"amount": -1500000.0000,
"authorization": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:43:05.115Z",
"device_id": null,
"gateway": "Thanh toán khi giao hàng (COD)",
"id": 1094983274,
"kind": "refund",
"order_id": 1231656323,
"receipt": null,
"status": "Thành công",
"test": false,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"location_id": 963414,
"payment_details": null,
"parent_id": null,
"currency": "VND",
"haravan_transaction_id": null,
"external_transaction_id": null,
"send_email": false,
"is_cod_gateway": false

Retrieves single refund of the order


Retrieves single refund of order by ID.

  • GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"refund": {
"created_at": "2021-10-15T07:36:32.377Z",
"id": 1011637849,
"note": "wrong size",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013304743,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 0.0000,
"price": 15000000.0000,
"product_id": 1035729103,
"quantity": 3,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "S0710A-2",
"title": "SP0710A",
"variant_id": 1078450814,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "14S",
"name": "SP0710A",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1308268732,
"quantity": 1
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1231656323,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": []

Create a refund for an existing Order


Create a Refund for an existing Order.

Request body


Boolean, whether or not to add the line items back to the store inventory.


Boolean, set to true to send a refund notification to the customer.


An optional comment attached to a refund.


Array of line item IDs and quantities to refund.

  • line_item_id: The id of the related line item (line_item_id = order.line_items[].id).


Array of transactions to process as refunds.

Create a new refund for an order.

  • POST
"refund": {
"restock": true,
"notify": true,
"note": "restock",
"refund_line_items": [
"line_item_id": 1312358460,
"quantity": 1
"transactions": [
"amount": 100000,
"kind": "refund"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

"refund": {
"created_at": "2021-10-15T11:37:43.0230186Z",
"id": 1011644929,
"note": "restock",
"refund_line_items": [
"id": 1013315622,
"line_item": {
"fulfillment_service": null,
"fulfillment_status": null,
"grams": 10.0000,
"price": 400000.0000,
"product_id": 1028183686,
"quantity": 1,
"requires_shipping": true,
"sku": "AO551",
"title": "Váy Quây dài",
"variant_id": 1061514767,
"variant_title": null,
"vendor": "Khác",
"name": "Váy Quây dài",
"id": 0,
"barcode": null,
"properties": null
"line_item_id": 1312358460,
"quantity": 1
"restock": true,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"order_id": 1234121123,
"location_id": null,
"transactions": [
"amount": -100000.0,
"authorization": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-15T11:37:43.0145178Z",
"device_id": null,
"gateway": "Thanh toán khi giao hàng (COD)",
"id": 1095037982,
"kind": "refund",
"order_id": 1234121123,
"receipt": null,
"status": "Thành công",
"test": false,
"user_id": 200000497867,
"location_id": 963414,
"payment_details": null,
"parent_id": null,
"currency": "VND",
"haravan_transaction_id": null,
"external_transaction_id": null,
"send_email": false,
"is_cod_gateway": false