Inventory Purchase Order
You can use the Purchase Orders resource to document the sale of products and services to be delivered at a late date.
Authenticated access scopes: com.read_inventories
, com.write_inventories
What you can do with Purchase Orders
The Haravan API lets you do the following with the Purchase Orders resource.
- GET{purchase_id}.json
Purchase Orders properties
: number
"id": 1206854680
A unique identifier for the purchase order.
: string
"created_at": "2021-05-13T07:29:20.1Z"
The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the purchase order was created.
: string
"notes": "nhập hàng tháng 11"
An optional note that a shop owner can attach to the purchase order.
: string
"status": "Chưa nhận hàng"
"Chưa nhận hàng": has not received the product.
"Hoàn thành": has received the product.
: string
"tran_date": "2021-07-27T03:29:32Z"
Expected date of delivery.The date and time (ISO 8601 format).
: string
"completed_at": "2021-07-27T03:29:32Z"
Received date of delivery.The date and time (ISO 8601 format).
: string
"closed_at": "2014-12-18T00:00:00-05:00"
Purchase order closing date.The date and time (ISO 8601 format).
: string
"ref_number": "IN_3007"
Reference number of the purchase order.
: string
"supplier": "Khác"
Supplier of the purchase order.
: json
- id: A unique numeric identifier for the location.
- name: The name of the location.
- location_type: The location type.
- address1: The first line of the address.
- address2: The second line of the address.
- zip: The zip or postal code.
- city: The city the location is in.
- province: The province the location is in.
- country: The country the location is in.
- phone: The phone number of the location.
- created_at: The date and time when the location was created.
- updated_at: The date and time when the location was last updated.
: json
- id: A unique numeric identifier for the line items.
- product_id: The unique numeric identifier for the product.
- product_variant_id: The unique numeric identifier for the product variant.
- product_name: The name of the product.
- variant_title: The name of the product variant.
- sku: A unique identifier for the product in the shop.
- barcode: The barcode, UPC, or ISBN number for the product.
- quantity: The number of items in the line item for this product variant.
- cost_amount: The cost for this product variant.
- status: The delivery status for this product variant.
- receive_id: A unique identifier for the receipt.
- receive_date: The date and time when the item was received.
Retrieves a list of purchase orders.
Retrieves a list of purchase orders.
Limit of the result.
Page to show the result.
Retrieves a list of purchase orders by page number. By default, the number of resources on the page is 50.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"purchase_orders": [
"id": 1000355305,
"purchase_number": "PO100001",
"notes": "",
"status": "Chưa nhận hàng",
"tran_date": "2021-07-30T06:04:34Z",
"created_at": "2021-07-30T06:05:24.336Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-30T06:05:24.925Z",
"completed_at": null,
"closed_at": null,
"ref_number": "iN_3007",
"supplier": null,
"location": {
"id": 1007284,
"name": "Dottie Phan Đăng Lưu",
"location_type": null,
"email": null,
"address1": "123 Phan Đăng Lưu",
"address2": null,
"zip": "70000",
"city": null,
"province": "Hồ Chí Minh",
"country": "Vietnam",
"phone": "0796060700",
"country_code": null,
"country_name": "Vietnam",
"province_code": "HC",
"district": "Quận Phú Nhuận",
"district_code": "HC481",
"ward": null,
"ward_code": null,
"created_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"updated_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"is_primary": false,
"is_unavailable_quantity": false,
"type": null
"line_item": {
"received_items": null,
"not_received_items": [
"id": 1002496132,
"product_id": 1028183686,
"product_variant_id": 1061514767,
"product_name": "Váy Quây dài",
"variant_title": "Đen / S",
"sku": "AO551",
"barcode": "AO551",
"quantity": 1,
"cost_amount": 0.00,
"status": "Chưa nhận hàng",
"receive_id": null,
"receive_date": null
"id": 1000354988,
"purchase_number": "PO100000",
"notes": "",
"status": "Hoàn thành",
"tran_date": "2021-07-27T03:29:32Z",
"created_at": "2021-07-27T03:33:38.404Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-30T05:58:31.483Z",
"completed_at": "2021-07-30T05:58:31Z",
"closed_at": null,
"ref_number": "IN_2707",
"supplier": null,
"location": {
"id": 1007284,
"name": "Dottie Phan Đăng Lưu",
"location_type": null,
"email": null,
"address1": "123 Phan Đăng Lưu",
"address2": null,
"zip": "70000",
"city": null,
"province": "Hồ Chí Minh",
"country": "Vietnam",
"phone": "0796060700",
"country_code": null,
"country_name": "Vietnam",
"province_code": "HC",
"district": "Quận Phú Nhuận",
"district_code": "HC481",
"ward": null,
"ward_code": null,
"created_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"updated_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"is_primary": false,
"is_unavailable_quantity": false,
"type": null
"line_item": {
"received_items": [
"id": 1002494198,
"product_id": 1028183663,
"product_variant_id": 1061514702,
"product_name": "Đầm Bẹt Vai Thô Phối Bèo",
"variant_title": "Default Title",
"sku": "D-0003",
"barcode": null,
"quantity": 10,
"cost_amount": 1000000.00,
"status": "Hoàn thành",
"receive_id": 1000345765,
"receive_date": "2021-07-30T12:58:22Z"
"not_received_items": null
Retrieves single the purchase order.
Retrieves single the purchase order.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"purchase_order": {
"id": 1000355305,
"purchase_number": "PO100001",
"notes": "",
"status": "Chưa nhận hàng",
"tran_date": "2021-07-30T06:04:34Z",
"created_at": "2021-07-30T06:05:24.336Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-30T06:05:24.925Z",
"completed_at": null,
"closed_at": null,
"ref_number": "iN_3007",
"supplier": null,
"location": {
"id": 1007284,
"name": "Dottie Phan Đăng Lưu",
"location_type": null,
"email": null,
"address1": "123 Phan Đăng Lưu",
"address2": null,
"zip": "70000",
"city": null,
"province": "Hồ Chí Minh",
"country": "Vietnam",
"phone": "0796060700",
"country_code": null,
"country_name": "Vietnam",
"province_code": "HC",
"district": "Quận Phú Nhuận",
"district_code": "HC481",
"ward": null,
"ward_code": null,
"created_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"updated_at": "2020-11-16T02:22:43.485Z",
"is_primary": false,
"is_unavailable_quantity": false,
"type": null
"line_item": {
"received_items": null,
"not_received_items": [
"id": 1002496132,
"product_id": 1028183686,
"product_variant_id": 1061514767,
"product_name": "Váy Quây dài",
"variant_title": "Đen / S",
"sku": "AO551",
"barcode": "AO551",
"quantity": 1,
"cost_amount": 0.00,
"status": "Chưa nhận hàng",
"receive_id": null,
"receive_date": null